News and Announcements
- January 09, 2025
Our article Empowering Smart Factories with O-RAN has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Standards Magazine.
It is envisioned that 6G mobile networks will enhance and majorly empower the Industry 4.0 paradigm, evolving towards smart factories with optimized and customized services. Especially the smart factory scenario with high-capacity data communication, which requires the usage of new portions of the electromagnetic spectrum (mmWave/sub-THz), is presenting us with new challenges, both in communications and networking. This article discusses the new challenges arising from high-capacity data communications in smart factories. It proposes extensions to the current Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) standards for 6G networks to enable further evolution of Industry 4.0 and beyond. We motivate the need for real-time functionalities in O-RAN and an extended interface to the user equipment (UE) to allow for its fine-grained control.
- January 06, 2025
We welcome Simon Schmitz-Heinen who joined our group in January 2025.
- December 18, 2024
Our article Toward Standardized Performance Evaluation of Flow-guided Nanoscale Localization has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications.
Nanoscale devices with Terahertz (THz) communication capabilities are envisioned to be deployed within human bloodstreams. Associating the locations of biomarkers with events such as health conditions would provide an additional utility for precision diagnostics and treatment. This vision yielded a new class of in-body localization coined under the term "flow-guided nanoscale localization". We propose a workflow for standardized performance evaluation of such approaches. The workflow is implemented in the form of an open-source simulation framework that is able to jointly account for the mobility of the nanodevices, in-body THz communication with on-body anchors, and energy-related and other technological constraints (e.g., pulse-based modulation) at the nanodevice level.
(link to more information)
- December 10, 2024
Christos Laskos presented our paper Towards Virtual to Real-world Transfer Learning for Mobile mmWave Beam Tracking at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2024), which was held in Cape Town, South Africa.
In this paper, we show the feasibility of virtual to real-world transfer learning. Our solution significantly speeds up the learning process as the learning happens mostly in a simulated environment and requires only little additional learning in the real-world deployment. As proof-of-concept, we implemented and evaluated a low-complexity beam tracking based on deep Q-network (DQN) reinforcement learning. The results reveal a substantial speed-up by a factor of 3× using transfer learning.
(link to more information)
- December 09, 2024
Falko Dressler received the IEEE ComSoc IOT & AHSN TC 2024 Technical Recognition Award for developing the foundations of adaptive and self-organizing communication protocols in vehicular and sensor networks.
- December 08, 2024
Jorge Torres Gómez, Sebastian Lotter, Maximilian Schäfer, and Falko Dressler gave a tutorial titled Internet of Bio-Nano-Things - Challenges and Networking Solutions at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2024), which was held in Cape Town, South Africa. This tutorial provided a comprehensive overview of the internet of bio-nano-things (IoBNT) framework, including its key applications, components, communication technologies, and experimental developments.
(link to more information)
- December 06, 2024
We congratulate Lisa Y. Debus for winning the Rolf Niedermeier Prize for her Master's thesis titled "Decoding Media Modulation Sharply: A Reinforcement Learning-based Receiver". The prize is awarded each year to to the most outstanding theses at faculty 4 at TU Berlin. The thesis was advised by Jorge Torres Gómez and refereed by Falko Dressler and Robert Schober. Results from the thesis have been published in the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications with the title "Synchronized Relaying in Molecular Communication: An AI-based Approach using a Mobile Testbed Setup".
- November 28, 2024
We congratulate Thomas Kapp and Lorenz Pusch for receiving this year's Distinguished Student award at TKN!
With the award, we recognize their valued work and contributions as Student Teaching Assistant and Student Research Assistant, respectively.
- November 28, 2024
It's that time of the year again.
Christmas is coming and we look back at what happened over the last twelve months.
We published many interesting papers, received additional funding, and got to know amazing new team members.
This time around, our group celebrated Christmas a bit earlier to make sure Falko Dressler could join in while he was home in Berlin from his sabbatical in Boston.
We enjoyed a relaxed celebration and are grateful for our amazing team.
Now, we wish all of our friends, collaborators, and followers a wonderful Christmas time, a good (and productive) end to the year 2024 and a Happy New Year!
- November 27, 2024
Falko Dressler received the VDE ITG Ehrenurkunde 2024 for his support of the German computer networking and communications research community.
- November 19, 2024
Our group member Falko Dressler presented our poster Coordinated Group Cycling for Commuting at the 30th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2024), which was held in Washington, DC.
In this paper, we outline how group cycling commutes may be coordinated using communication capabilities of contemporary smartphones. We showcase how group cycling can reduce waiting times and, thus, improve ride comfort and safety in a simulation-based case study.
- November 18, 2024
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled Resilient Edge Computing for 6G Edge-AI at ACM MobiArch 2024, which was held in Washington, DC.
(link to more information)
- November 13, 2024
We welcome Peter Scheepers who joined our group in November 2024.
- November 07, 2024
Our article DNA-Based Nanonetwork for Abnormality Detection and Localization in the Human Body has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
This study presents an innovative deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-based nanonetwork designed to detect and localize abnormalities within the human body. The concept for the architecture integrates nanosensors, nanocollectors, and a gateway device, facilitating the detection and communication of disease indicators through molecular and intra-body links. Modeling DNA tiles for signal amplification and fusion rules (AND, OR, MAJORITY), the system enhances detection accuracy while enabling real-time localization of health anomalies via machine learning models. Extensive simulations demonstrate the efficacy of this approach in the dynamic environment of human vessels, showing promising detection probabilities and minimal false alarms. This research contributes to precision medicine by offering a scalable and efficient method for early disease detection and localization, paving the way for timely interventions and improved healthcare outcomes.
(link to more information)
- November 01, 2024
Our article Biasing Federated Learning with A New Adversarial Graph Attention Network has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Fairness in Federated Learning (FL) is imperative not only for the ethical utilization of technology but also for ensuring that models provide accurate, equitable, and beneficial outcomes across varied user demographics and equipment. This paper proposes a new adversarial architecture, referred to as Adversarial Graph Attention Network (AGAT), which deliberately instigates fairness attacks with an aim to bias the learning process across the FL. The proposed AGAT is developed to synthesize malicious, biasing model updates, where the minimum of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the user's model update and the global model is maximized. Due to a limited set of labeled input-output biasing data samples, a surrogate model is created, which presents the behavior of a complex malicious model update. Moreover, a graph autoencoder (GAE) is designed within the AGAT architecture, which is trained together with sub-gradient descent to reconstruct manipulatively the correlations of the model updates, and maximize the reconstruction loss while keeping the malicious, biasing model updates undetectable. The proposed AGAT attack is implemented in PyTorch, showing experimentally that AGAT successfully increases the minimum value of KL divergence of benign model updates by 60.9% and bypasses the detection of existing defense models. The source code of the AGAT attack is released on GitHub.
(link to more information)
- October 29, 2024
Mobility matters in the nanoscale to implement the connection among nanosensors. Analyzing the terahertz band, Jorge Torres Gómez presented our paper titled Implications of Nanodevice Mobility on Terahertz Communication Links in the Human Vessels at the 11th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom 2024).
We provide a model to evaluate the impact of mobility in the higher layers and implements a realistic model for the displacement, rotation, and power radiation of nanoantennas in the human vessels. The paper aims to guide the design of future protocols in nanonetworks.
- October 29, 2024
Delving into simulators for the Internet of Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT) frameworks, our student member Laurenz Elbner presented the paper BVS-Net: A Networking Tool for Studying THz-based Intra-body Communication Links at the 11th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom 2024).
This research focuses on the communication of in-body nanobots with an out-of-body gateway to evaluate data transmission efficiency, identify potential obstacles, and optimize their design for practical applications. In particular, we introduce BVS-Net, an ns-3 module that models the terahertz communication channel between the nanobots and the external gateway.
- October 28, 2024
Our group member Dr. Doganalp Ergenc gave an invited talk titled Towards Time-sensitive Wireless Networks: Challenges, Opportunities, and Research Directions at the Networking Protocols and Standards for Mobility (NPSM 2024) workshop, which is organized under the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2024) in Charleroi, Belgium.
(link to more information)
- October 24, 2024
Our group member Osman Tugay Basaran presented our paper XAInomaly: Explainable, Interpretable, and Trustworthy AI for xURLLC in 6G Open-RAN at the 3rd International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet 2024) at the Orange Gardens in Paris, France.
Our paper introduces the "XAInomaly Framework", which incorporates our novel technique called fastSHAP-C. This method significantly enhances the explainability of AI models in 6G networks Next-generation URLLC (xURLLC) use case, providing a 25% improvement in resource utilization over existing approaches.
- October 23, 2024
We organized the second research school on "Bulding Resilient Worlds - in Career and Research" in the context of the DFG priority program, Resilient Worlds! For two days, 16 early career researchers from several universities gave research talks, and attended workshops and hackathons to build resilience in both for their academic career and research. Besides organizing the event, our group member Dr. Doganalp Ergenc also gave a tutorial on the network simulator OMNeT++ and instructed a hackathon for using this tool to experiment on new Wi-Fi standard for network resilience.
(link to more information)
- October 10, 2024
Our group member Sascha Rösler presented our paper Passive Device-Free Indoor Movement Detection Using WiFi Time-Of-Flight Information yesterday at the 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2024), Caen, Normandy, France.
In our paper we show that the easily accessible time of flight data of WiFi FTM can be used to detect movements within a room. Our approach is around 10 percentage points better than a state of the art RSSI approach. We propose an architecture where already installed WiFi APs can be used together with a central server running a one-class SVM
- October 08, 2024
Our article AI/ML-based Services and Applications for 6G-Connected and Autonomous Vehicles has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Networks.
AI and ML emerge as pivotal in overcoming the limitations of traditional network optimization techniques and conventional control loop designs, particularly in addressing the challenges of high mobility and dynamic vehicular communications inherent in the domain of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). The survey explores the contributions of novel AI/ML techniques in the field of CAVs, also in the context of innovative deployment of multilevel cloud systems and edge computing as strategic solutions to meet the requirements of high traffic density and mobility in CAV networks. These technologies are instrumental in curbing latency and alleviating network congestion by facilitating proximal computing resources to CAVs, thereby enhancing operational efficiency also when AI-based applications require computationally-heavy tasks. A significant focus of this survey is the anticipated impact of 6G technology, which promises to revolutionize the mobility industry. 6G is envisaged to foster intelligent, cooperative, and sustainable mobility environments, heralding a new era in vehicular communication and network management. This survey comprehensively reviews the latest advancements and potential applications of AI/ML for CAVs, including sensory perception enhancement, real-time traffic management, and personalised navigation.
(link to more information)
- October 07, 2024
Our article Survey on Coherent Multiband Splicing Techniques for Wideband Channel Characterization has been accepted for publication in IET Communications.
Coherent multi-band splicing is an optimal solution for extending existing band-limited communication systems to support high-precision sensing applications. Conceptually, the communication system performs narrow-band measurements at different center frequencies, which are then concatenated to increase the effective bandwidth without altering the sampling rate. This can be done in parallel for multiple non-contiguous subbands or by hopping across the different bands. However, multi-band splicing poses significant challenges, particularly in compensating for phase offsets and hardware distortions before stitching the acquired samples, which can be distributed in contiguous or non-contiguous manners. In this survey paper, we study the state of the art in coherent multi-band splicing and identify open research questions. For beginners in the field, this review serves as a guide to the most relevant literature, enabling them to quickly catch up with the current achievements. For experts, we highlight open research questions that require further investigation.
(link to more information)
- September 23, 2024
Our joint proposal with R3 Solutions, OWTSN: Open Wireless Time-Sesnsitive Networks for 5G-integrated Industrial Systems, has been accepted for funding by the EU-(co)funded TARGET-X program. In this project, we will enable time-sensitivite communication over wireless technologies, by combining IEEE 802.1 TSN protocols with Wi-Fi and 5G, to address the emerging requirements of industrial systems.
(link to more information)
- September 22, 2024
Our article LiFi for Industry 4.0: Main Features, Implementation and Initial Testing of IEEE Std 802.15.13 has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology.
As industrial communication is developed further to increase flexibility through wireless communication, networked optical wireless communications (OWC), also known as LiFi, emerges as a promising candidate technology due to its unlicensed spectrum and relatively deterministic propagation. This paper outlines the features of the new IEEE Std 802.15.13-2013 for OWC and presents details of our prototype implementation thereof as well as first experiments. Our prototype includes a central coordinator, realized purely in software, running on commodity server hardware. It connects to distributed ceiling-mounted optical wireless frontends via a packet-switched network (Ethernet) and is able of forming them into adaptive virtual cells on a per-user basis. This approach enables improved reliability through multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission and smooth mobility. We implemented the Pulsed Modulation PHY (PM-PHY) on a commercially available field programmable gate array (FPGA) evaluation board. Initial test results indicate that the PM-PHY covers typical distances of up to 6 m between the ceiling and the mobile device. The MAC can realize zero packet loss besides deterministic latency values below 4 ms.
(link to more information)
- September 12, 2024
Our group members Sunasheer Bhattacharjee, Saswati Pal, Lisa Debus, and the research student Laurenz Ebner presented three research topics at Si-Mposium 2024. The event is organized by Der Simulierte Mensch research group in TU Berlin. The topics were related to molecular communication techniques for decoding the human breath, the development of intra-body communication links in the nanoscale, and semantic communication strategies in the multi-scale for in-body applications.
- September 12, 2024
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled 6G Edge Computing: Improving Coverage and Resilience at IEEE ANDESCON 2024, which was held in Cusco, Peru.
(link to more information)
- September 11, 2024
Joana Angjo presented our paper titled "Improving Multi-Operator Coexistence in Distributed-IRS Assisted Networks"
Rathinamala Vijay presented our paper titled "Resilient New Space Communication using Cognitive Radio for LEO Satellites"
at European Wireless (EW 2024), which took place in Brno, Czechia.
- September 11, 2024
Jorge Torres Gómez presented our paper titled Assessing the Interplay between Localization Accuracy and Interference in IRS-assisted Links
at IEEE ANDESCON 2024, which took place in Cusco, Peru.
- September 09, 2024
Our article Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in Open Wireless Networks via an Abstract MAC Layer has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
The openness of wireless networks opens the door to Byzantine attacks on the physical channels, making the communications unreliable and resulting in more challenges in achieving consensus among mobile devices. To address this issue, this paper studies the Byzantine-fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus problem based on an unreliable Byzantine communication model. Different from the previous works requiring stable communications between the honest nodes, considering the unreliable communication makes our problem more realistic but also harder. Based on the unreliable communication model, we first implement a BFT abstract MAC (absMAC) layer with a distributed and randomized multi-channel communication algorithm.
(link to more information)
- September 05, 2024
Sascha Rösler presented our paper titled "ResCTC: Resilience in Wireless Networks through Cross-Technology Communication"
at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2024), which took place in Valencia, Spain.
- September 03, 2024
Falko Dressler spends a sabbatical at the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT) at Northeastern University in Boston, MA during the fall semester 2024.
His focus is on intensifying the ongoing and starting new research collaborations.
(link to more information)
- September 02, 2024
Our article Distributed Age-of-Information Scheduling with NOMA via Deep Reinforcement Learning has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Many emerging applications in edge computing require processing of huge volumes of data generated by end devices, using the freshest available information. In this paper, we address the distributed optimization of multi-user long-term average Age-of-Information (AoI) objectives in edge networks that use NOMA transmission. This poses a challenge of non-convex online optimization, which in existing work often requires either decision making in a combinatorial space or a global view of entire network states. To overcome this challenge, we propose a reinforcement learning-based framework that adopts a novel hierarchical decomposition of decision making. Specifically, we propose three different types of distributed agents to learn with respect to efficiency of AoI scheduling, fairness of AoI scheduling, as well as a high-level policy balancing these potentially conflicting design objectives.
(link to more information)
- September 01, 2024
Our article Efficient UAV Hovering, Resource Allocation, and Trajectory Design for ISAC with Limited Backhaul Capacity has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
In this paper, we investigate the joint resource allocation and trajectory design for a multi-user, multi-target unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system, where the link capacity between a ground base station (BS) and the UAV is limited. We jointly optimize the UAV trajectory, UAV velocity, beamforming for the communication users, power allocated to the sensing beam, and time of hovering for sensing to minimize the power consumption of the UAV while ensuring the communication quality of service (QoS) and successful sensing.
(link to more information)
- August 08, 2024
Our article Energy-Aware Cooperative Spectrum Sensing under Ignorance on Internet of Mobile Things has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the interconnection of multiple devices, typically sharing network resources. To extend the network lifetime, cooperative strategies have been proposed that modify the device operations between the ON/OFF states to conserve energy. However, the challenge is selecting active devices for spectrum sensing increases with mobile agents, referred to as Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT), since their positions may be unknown. To deal with this uncertainty, we propose using the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator, which provides a framework for decision-making under ignorance, to model the position uncertainty resulting from node movement.
(link to more information)
- July 12, 2024
Jorge Torres Gómez gave a tutorial titled "Age of Information (AoI): A Tool for Designing Time-Critical Networks" at theIEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom 2024), which was held in Madrid, Spain. The tutorial was prepared in collaboration with Nikolaos Pappas from Linköping University in Sweeden. The session introduced the role of Age of Information in designing real-time networks. The concept was revisited and various uses cases and hands-on activities were presented to optimize the network operation.
(link to more information)
- July 08, 2024
Our article Where to Decide? Centralized vs. Distributed Vehicle Assignment for Platoon Formation has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transactions Systems.
In this work, we explored the computation of vehicle-to-platoon assignments as an optimization problem based on similarity between vehicles.
For this, we created three approaches to solve the assignment problem: centralized solver, centralized greedy, and distributed greedy, using a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) solver and greedy heuristics, respectively.
(link to more information)
- July 02, 2024
The Telecommunication Networks Group (TKN) team has been showcasing our developments towards 6G at the Berlin 6G Conference. Our focus this time is on pyhisical layer, RIS, and ICAS. We are also co-organizer as part of 6G-Plattform.
- July 01, 2024
Our article Using Ranging for Collision-Immune IEEE 802.11 Rate Selection with Statistical Learning has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications. We propose FTMRate, which applies statistical learning (a form of machine learning) to estimate the distance based on measurements, predicts channel quality from the distance, and selects data rates based on channel quality. We show that our approach has several positive features: it is resilient to collisions, provides near-instantaneous convergence, is compatible with commercial-off-the-shelf devices, and supports pedestrian mobility.
(link to more information)
- June 27, 2024
Our article Age of Information-based Abnormality Detection with Decay in the Human Circulatory System has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. In this work, we conducted an analysis of the impact of gateway placement and infection locations on detection time, detection ratio, and the average Peak Age of Information (PAoI). Furthermore, we also added decay of nanosensors similar to operation in the human body.
(link to more information)
- June 23, 2024
Our article QL-based Adaptive Transceivers for the IoBNT Communications has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. This paper introduces an adaptive transceiver scheme for bio-nano things (NTs) situated within blood vessels communicating through a time-varying molecular channel. The proposed scheme employs a Q-learning-based adaptive transceiver (a so-called QL-ADT), wherein an agent gradually learns how to adapt the transmission parameters to the current state of the channel.
(link to more information)
- June 22, 2024
Our article Synchronized Relaying in Molecular Communication: An AI-based Approach using a Mobile Testbed Setup has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. In this paper, we propose using a reinforcement learning (RL)- based synchronizer to continually adapt a decoding threshold and detect transmitted synchronization frames in a dynamic molecular communication environment.
(link to more information)
- June 21, 2024
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled Virtualized Edge Computing as a Basis for Edge AI at the 1st IEEE International Conference on Meta Computing (ICMC 2024), which was held in Qingdao, China.
(link to more information)
- June 20, 2024
Our article Flexible Training and Uploading Strategy for Asynchronous Federated Learning in Dynamic Environments has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. In this paper, we propose a flexible communication strategy for devices in asynchronous federated learning, which adapts the training and uploading actions based on the condition of the communication link. We propose a novel method of computing aggregation weight based on model distances and number of local optimizations, to control errors introduced in asynchronous aggregation while maximizing learning speed.
(link to more information)
- June 18, 2024
Falko Dressler gace a talk on Molecular Communication for Life Sciences
Jorge Torres Gomez gave a talk on Terahertz communications for intra-body links
at the KuVS Summer School 2024 on Internet of Bio-Nano-Things.
The TKN team was represented by multiple participants including
Sunasheer Bhattacharjee,
Lisa Y. Debus, and
Saswati Pal.
- June 05, 2024
Jorge Torres presented our paper Mobility Matters at Nanoscale: Rendering the Received Terahertz Signal Power in Human Blood Vessels 7th IEEE International Balkan Conference Communications and Networking (BalkanCom 2024).
He introduced the modeling of the radiation pattern of nanoantennas and the mobility in the human vessels.
The paper studies the impact of mobility on the communication link and the need to design more robust transmission schemes.
Our work is based on a collaboration with partners at the Technology Innovation Institute, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and Uppsala University.
- May 31, 2024
Our article Private Over-the-Air Federated Learning at Band-Limited Edge has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. In this paper, we investigate over-the-air federated learning (OTA-FL) that exploits over-the-air computing (AirComp) to integrate communication and computation seamlessly for FL in a privacy preserving manner.
(link to more information)
- May 30, 2024
Laura Finarelli presented our paper titled "Mobile Networks on the Move: Optimizing Moving Base Stations Dynamics in Urban Scenarios",
Falko Dressler presented our paper titled "A Multi-Lane Platooning Paradigm with ETSI DCC",
Julian Heinovski presented our poster titled "Platooning Revisited: What is the Personal Benefit Compared to ACC and Human Driving?"
at the 15th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2024), which took place in Kobe, Japan.
Our paper "Platooning Revisited: What is the Personal Benefit Compared to ACC and Human Driving?" received the 2024 IEEE VNC Best Poster Award.
- May 22, 2024
Sascha Rösler presented our demo titled "SensingWall: Ultra-low Cost WiFi Wireless Sensing"
Sigrid Dimce presented our poster titled "mmSplicer: Toward Experimental Multiband Channel Splicing at mmWave Frequencies"
at the 43rd IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2024), which took place in Vancouver, Canada.
Our paper "mmSplicer: Toward Experimental Multiband Channel Splicing at mmWave Frequencies" received the 2024 IEEE INFOCOM Best Poster Award.
- May 17, 2024
We welcome Daniel Czech who joined our group in May 2024.
- May 08, 2024
Jorge Torres Gomez gave a tutorial titled "Machine Learning in the IOBNT: Exploting the Potentail of Nano-Scale Communication and Computing" at the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN 2024), which was held in Stockholm, Sweden. The tutorial was prepared in collaboration with Roya Khanzadeh and Stefan Angerbauer from the Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz. The session introduced the role of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT), which is an emerging communication framework in the nanoscale.
(link to more information)
- May 02, 2024
We welcome Lisa Y. Debus who joined our group in May 2024.
- April 24, 2024
Part of the TKN team joined the 22. IKK BB Berliner Firmenlauf, the running event of all main Berlin companies.
Even though we did not win, we had a lot of fun and proudly represented TU Berlin and the TKN team at the event.
- April 24, 2024
Our article Leverage Variational Graph Representation For Model Poisoning on Federated Learning has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
(link to more information)
- April 22, 2024
Agon Memedi presented our paper titled "PLiFi: Analog Amplify and Forward Relaying in Cascaded PLC-LiFi Networks" at the 25th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2024), which took place in Dubai, UAE.
This year marked the 25th anniversary of IEEE WCNC, featuring a rich technical program, including interesting keynotes from Theodore Rappaport (pictured above) and others.
- April 16, 2024
The TKN group presented two research talks at 8th Workshop on Molecular Communications 2024.
Saswati Pal analyzed how decay rates affect nanosensor performance, revealing that higher decay rates reduce variance in detection ratios.
In a second talk, Lisa Y. Debus presented a reinforcement learning-based synchronizer to continually adapt a decoding threshold and detect transmitted synchronization frames in a dynamic molecular communication environment.
- April 05, 2024
The Telecommunication Networks Group (TKN) held its annual research retreat "CCS on Tour 2024" from April 3rd to 6th. During the four-day event in Blossin, we had interesting discussions on research topics like Vehicular Clouds, machine learning, GPT, and wireless communications in 5G and 6G. We also discussed best practices for research and enjoyed social activities organized by the team.
We also thank Symonics GmbH for sponsoring our social activities.
- April 02, 2024
We welcome Christos Laskos who joined our group in April 2024.
- April 02, 2024
We welcome Sunasheer Bhattacharjee who joined our group in April 2024.
- March 06, 2024
Our article Electric Circuit Representation of the Human Circulatory System to Estimate the Position of Nanosensors in Vessels has been accepted for publication in the Elsevier Nano Communication Networks.
(link to more information)
- March 02, 2024
The TKN group presented multiple research topics at VDE Biosignals.
Lisa Y. Debus presented her research topic on Molecular Communication receivers with Machine Learning modules, Saswati Pal introduced her research topic with information freshness in the human body, and Jorge Torres-Gomez the electric circuit model for the human vessels.
- March 01, 2024
We congratulate Rebecca Corinna Pampu for winning the "best bachelor thesis" award of the GI/ITG Communication and Distributed Systems (KuVS) special interest group! The prize will be awarded at NetSys 2025. Rebecca's thesis has already lead to a publication at NANOCOM 2023 with the title "Decoding Multiple Interfering Signals in a Macroscopic Air-based Molecular Communication System".
- February 19, 2024
Our article Low-Complex Synchronization Method for Intra-Body Links in the Terahertz Band has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. This research contributes to precision medicine applications supported by nanotechnologies, where the design of a communication interface between in-body nanosensors and external gateways is crucial.
(link to more information)
- January 31, 2024
Jonas Kuss presented our paper titled Distributed UWB-based Ranging for Particle Tracking in Avalanches at 19th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2024) in Chamonix, France.
- January 01, 2024
Falko Dressler has been appointed Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
IEEE TNSE is the top journal in theory and applications of network science and the interconnections among the elements in a system that form a network.
- December 22, 2023
We welcome Tehmina Bibi who joined our group in December 2023.
- December 19, 2023
Our proposal Internet of Bio-Nano-Things (IoBNT) has been accepted for funding by the German federal ministry for education and research (BMBF). In this project, we will explore the use of molecular communication for the internet of bio-nano-things. TU Berlin is coordinating the project with partners at FAU Erlangen, TU Munich, TU Dresden, TU Darmstadt, DFKI Kaiserslautern, and University of Lübeck.
(link to more information)
- December 15, 2023
We congratulate Jonas Kuss and Jonas Huenecke for receiving this year's Distinguished Student award at TKN!
With the the award, we recognize their valued work and contributions as Student Research Assistant and Student Teaching Assistant, respectively.
- December 15, 2023
We are looking back to a year full of hope in the middle of worldwide crisis.
We published many papers, received additional funding, and were able to welcome new team members.
We just celebrated in a quite relaxed atmosphere.
Now, we wish all of our friends and followers Merry Christmas, a few days of quietness to relax, and a Happy New Year!
- December 11, 2023
We welcome Youming Tao who joined our group in December 2023.
- December 08, 2023
Our article Performance of Large Intelligent Surfaces in Multiuser Millimeter Wave MIMO-NOMA Systems has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
(link to more information)
- December 05, 2023
The TKN group presented multiple papers at IEEE GLOBECOM 2023.
Lisa Y. Debus presented her paper Reinforcement Learning-based Receiver for Molecular Communication with Mobility and
Joana Angjo presents her paper Coexistence Challenges in IRS-assisted Multi-Operator Networks.
- December 01, 2023
Manoj Ravindra Rege successfully defended his PhD today.
His dissertation is titled "Lowering Barriers to Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) Application Testing and Evaluation".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree from TU Berlin.
(link to more information)
- November 28, 2023
We just held the first research school on "Collaboration & Communication for Future Resilient Networks" in the context of the DFG priority program, Resilient Worlds! For two days, 18 early career researchers from several universities teamed up to share their research goals and to explore common research directions. Then, they collaborated to propose new research projects for next-generation resilient networks. We also had three guest speakers to give us technical and non-technical workshops.
(link to more information)
- November 30, 2023
Our article Empowering the 6G Cellular Architecture with Open RAN has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.
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- November 15, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled 6G Virtualized Edge Computing - From Cars to Edge and Back at the IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2023), which was held in Panamá City, Panama.
(link to more information)
- November 03, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a seminar talk titled Virtualized Edge Computing as a Basis for Edge AI at the KAIST Seminar on Mobile & Wireless in EE, which was held in Daejeong, South Korea.
(link to more information)
- October 12, 2023
Atefeh Rezaei presented our paper titled Resource Allocation for UAV-Assisted Industrial IoT User with Finite Blocklength at 98th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2023-Fall), which was held in Hong Kong, China.
- October 03, 2023
Agon Memedi presented our paper titled One-Class Support Vector Machine for WiFi-based Device-free Indoor Presence Detection at 23rd European Wireless conference, which was held in Rome, Italy.
- October 02, 2023
Jonas Kuß presented our paper titled A Measurement System for Distributed UWB-based Ranging and Localization in Snow Avalanches at 29th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2023), which was held in Madrid, Spain.
- September 29, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled Reinforcement Learning Approaches in Virtalized Edge Computing at the 12th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks (PEMWN 2023), which was held in Berlin, Germany.
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- September 28, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled Resilience Through Cross-Technology Communication at the 24th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2023), which was held in Shanghai, China.
(link to more information)
- September 27, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled Turning Mobile Systems into 6G Network Infrastructure for Improved Resilience at the IEEE MASS Workshop on Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles and IoT (UAV-IoT 2023), which was held in Toronto, Canada.
(link to more information)
- September 22, 2023
Rebecca Corinna Pampu and Jorge Torres presented two of our papers at the 10th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom) 2023 conference in Coventry, UK. Rebecca presented the contribution titled "Decoding Multiple Interfering Signals in a Macroscopic Air-based Molecular Communication System" developing a new detection strategy in air-based channels. Jorge Torres presented the contribution "Fine-tune Circuit Representation of Human Vessels through Reinforcement Learning: A Novel Digital Twin Approach for Hemodynamics" advancing a model for the human circulatory system. The ACM NanoCom conference fosters the research and development of new paradigms for nanoscale devices in an engaging community environment.
- September 14, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled Resilient Worlds - Turning First Responders into Network Infrastructure" at the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM 2023), which was held in Cosenza, Italy.
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- September 06, 2023
The TKN group presented various relevant research topics as posters at NetSys 2023. The researchers spanned topics from channel sounding and IRS settings to applications like real-time measurements in wifi networks, mobile station features supporting disaster zones, and the simulation of road users. The various presenters are in our group as PhD researchers, they are Joana Angjo, Sigrid Dimce, Fabian Missbrenner, Marie-Christin, and Sascha Rösler.
- September 01, 2023
We presented two posters and a talk at the Symposium Si-Mposium 2023 with the life science community. Saswati Pal introduced our project NaBoCom with a description of lines of research and development of nanonetworks for precision medicine applications. Joana Angjo presented as a poster our recent contribution Age of Information-based Performance of Ultrasonic Communication Channels for Nanosensor-to-Gateway Communication giving details on the performance of monitors for abnormalities in the human body with nanosensors. Jorge Torres presented as a talk our recent contribution Fine-tune Circuit Representation of Human Vessels through Reinforcement Learning: A Novel Digital Twin Approach for Hemodynamics digging into the development of low complex simulator for the human circulatory system.
- August 30, 2023
We are happy to annoucne that our team won the VDE ITG Preis 2023 (the best paper award of the German society of information technology).
The paper is Wi-Fi Meets ML: A Survey on Improving IEEE 802.11 Performance with Machine Learning published in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials in 2022.
- August 14, 2023
We welcome Doğanalp Ergenç who joined our group in August 2023.
- July 30, 2023
Our article TCOA: Triple-Check Offloading Algorithm for Roadside Units and Vehicular Microclouds in 5G Networks and Beyond has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
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- July 21, 2023
Our article Towards the Simulation of WiFi Fine Time Measurements in NS3 Network Simulator has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
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- July 17, 2023
Our article Explainability of Neural Networks for Symbol Detection in Molecular Communication Channels has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications.
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- July 15, 2023
We welcome Saswati Pal who joined our group in July 2023.
- July 04, 2023
Our article Focusing on Information Context for ITS using a Spatial Age of Information Model has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
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- July 03, 2023
We welcome Ziqi Zhou who joined our group in July 2023.
- July 02, 2023
Our article Optimizing Terahertz Communication Between Nanosensors in the Human Cardiovascular System and External Gateways has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Letters.
(link to more information)
- June 27, 2023
The TKN team joined the Berlin 6G Conference to discuss research results and new ideas related to 6G and beyond.
The pictures show part of the team in front of the booth of our 6G-RIC project and at the beyond-6G discussion panel.
- June 20, 2023
We welcome Rathinamala Vijay who joined our group in June 2023.
- June 20, 2023
We welcome Osman Tugay Başaran who joined our group in June 2023.
- June 12, 2023
Sascha Rösler presented our paper titled "Opportunistic Routing in LoRa-based Wireless Mesh Networks" at the 24th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2023), 1st IEEE Workshop on Wireless outdoor, Long-Range and Low-Power Networks (WoLoLo 2023), which was held in Boston, MA.
- May 25, 2023
Dominik successfully defended his PhD on May 23, 2023.
His dissertation is titled "Towards Holistic Real-time Simulation of Cooperative Vehicles".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree from TU Berlin.
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- May 23, 2023
Taylan Şahin successfully defended his PhD on May 23, 2023.
His dissertation is titled "Resource Allocation for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications under Intermittent Cellular Coverage".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree from TU Berlin.
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- May 22, 2023
We welcome Ahmad Farhad Shams who joined our group in May 2023.
- May 22, 2023
We welcome Jamshid Bacha who joined our group in May 2023.
- May 15, 2023
Our article Centralized Model-Predictive Control with Human-Driver Interaction for Platooning has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology (TVT).
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- May 13, 2023
TKN research group from TU Berlin celebrated this weekend (from May 12 to 15) the four-days research retreat "CCS on Tour 2023". Group members and close friends presented their research topics and experiences leading to fruitful discussions. The meeting, celebrated each year, welcomes the discussion of challenging technical issues, best practices, and daily work experiences.
We enjoyed a lot our trip to Zinnowitz, Usedom, where apart from very nice and productive discussions, we had some opportunities to do some nice activities together as well.
We had a lot of fun during a two-hour long Mini Golf course, followed by a nice trip to a Butterfly farm and museum, and also some beach-volley and Frisbee games afterwards. Many thanks to BISDN for sponsoring our social activities!
- May 05, 2023
Jorge Torres Gomez gave an online talk about our paper titled Quo Vadis? - Comprehensive Viewpoint on German Educational Research in Engineering at the Proceedings of IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2023), Salmaiya, Kuwait.
- May 04, 2023
Our article Age of Information-based Performance of Ultrasonic Communication Channels for Nanosensor-to-Gateway Communication has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC).
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- May 02, 2023
Our article A Computational Approach for the Characterization of Airborne Pathogen Transmission in Turbulent Molecular Communication Channels has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC).
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- April 28, 2023
Gurjashan S. Pannu gave a talk about our paper titled Data Sharing in Virtual Edge Computing using Coded Caching and Marie-Christin H. Oczko gave a talk about our paper titled On Time Constraints for Internet-Connected Multi-User Real-Time Traffic Simulation at the 14th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2023) in Istanbul, Turkey.
- April 14, 2023
Our article Achieving Realistic Cyclist Behavior in SUMO using the SimRa Dataset has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
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- April 06, 2023
Agon Memedi successfully defended his PhD on April 6, 2023.
His dissertation is titled "Vehicular Visible Light Communications for Connected Autonomous Driving".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree (with distinction) from TU Berlin.
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- April 04, 2023
Our article Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Enabled Link Scheduling for Next Generation Internet of Things has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
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- February 21, 2023
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled "Learning for Resilient Virtualized Edge Computing" at the IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2023), which was held in Honolulu, HI.
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- February 06, 2023
Agon Memedi presented our paper titled "Towards Hybrid Electronic-Mechanical Beamforming for IEEE 802.11ad" at the 18th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2023), which was held in Madonna di Campiglio, Italy.
- February 01, 2023
We welcome Marie-Christin H. Oczko who joined our group in February 2023.
- January 20, 2023
We congratulate Sven Schoenberg who successfully defended his PhD on January 20, 2023.
His dissertation is titled "Trip Planning for Electric Vehicles".
He was awarded a Dr. rer. nat. degree from Paderborn University!
(link to more information)
- January 24, 2023
We congratulate Christos Laskos for receiving this year's Distinguished Student award at TKN!
With the the award, we recognize his valued work and contributions as Student Research Assistant.
- January 03, 2023
Our article "ViTaLS - A Novel Link-Layer Scheduling Framework for Tactile Internet over Wi-Fi" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
In this work, we investigate the capability of Wi-Fi 6 and existing TI scheduling/multiplexing schemes in meeting this stringent latency constraint. Taking the concrete example of the state-of-the-art Video-Haptic multiplexer (VH-multiplexer), we highlight the pitfalls of relying on the existing Wi-Fi 6 systems for TI communication. To circumvent this, we propose Video-Tactile Latency Scheduler (ViTaLS) - a novel link layer framework for tuning the video-tactile frame transmissions to suit their heterogeneous QoS requirements.
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- December 24, 2022
Our article "When Internet of Things meets Metaverse: Convergence of Physical and Cyber Worlds" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
This survey introduces six typical IoT applications in the Metaverse, including collaborative healthcare, education, smart city, entertainment, real estate, and socialization. In the IoT-inspired Metaverse, we also comprehensively survey four pillar technologies that enable augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), namely, responsible artificial intelligence (AI), high-speed data communications, cost-effective mobile edge computing (MEC), and digital twins. According to the physical-world demands, we outline the current industrial efforts and seven key requirements for building the IoT-inspired Metaverse: immersion, variety, economy, civility, interactivity, authenticity, and independence.
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- December 19, 2022
We are just running the Dagstuhl Seminar 22512 Inter-Vehicular Communication - From Edge Support to Vulnerable Road Users II in Wadern, Germany.
The seminar is very well attended by experts from academia and industry from all places in the world.
We are discussing all questions related to edge computing and the integration of vulnerable road users into cooperative vehicular networking systems.
(link to more information)
- December 14, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled "Toward Virtualized Edge Computing" at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2022), which was held online.
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- December 14, 2022
We are looking back to a year full of hope in the middle of worldwide crisis.
We published many papers, received additional funding, and were able to welcome new team members.
We just celebrated in a quite relaxed atmosphere.
Now, we wish all of our friends and followers Merry Christmas, a few days of quietness to relax, and a Happy New Year!
- December 06, 2022
Jorge Torres Gómez presented our paper titled "Modeling Ultrasonic Channels with Mobility for Gateway to In-Body Nanocommunication" and Fatih Güleç presented our paper titled "Characterization of Airborne Pathogen Transmission in Turbulent Molecular Communication Channels" at the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022), which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
(link to more information)
- December 01, 2022
We welcome Sascha Rösler who joined our group in December 2022.
- December 01, 2022
We welcome Atefeh Rezaei who joined our group in November 2022.
- November 29, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled "6G Virtual Edge Computing for Enhanced Network Resilience" at the XI International Congress of Telematics and Telecommunications, which was held in Havana, Cuba.
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- November 22, 2022
Our proposal Integration of Radar-based Communication in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks for Cooperatively Interacting Cars (RADCOM-HETNET II) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will explore the use of heterogeneous communication protocols, most importanly RADAR based, for highly critical safety applications like platooning.
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- November 06, 2022
Our proposal Robust And seCure post quantum COmmunication fOr critical iNfrastructure (RACCOON) has been accepted for funding by German Areospace Center (DLR). In this project, we will explore satellite-based exchange of crypto material for critical infrastructure.
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- November 03, 2022
Our article "Improving IEEE 802.11ax UORA Performance: Comparison of Reinforcement Learning and Heuristic Approaches" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
In this paper, we address the performance of uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple random access (UORA) in IEEE 802.11ax networks. Optimization of UORA is a good case for applying ML because of its inherent complexity and dependence on situation and time-dependent parameters. In particular, we use deep reinforcement learning to tune UORA parameters.
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- October 26, 2022
Julian Heinovski presented our paper titled "A Spatial Model for Using the Age of Information in Cooperative Driving Applications" at 25th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2022).
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- October 24, 2022
Our article "A Location-aware RF-assisted MAC Protocol for Sectorized Vehicular Visible Light Communications" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
Vehicular Visible Light Communications (V-VLC) has emerged as a viable technology complementing RF-based communication in automotive scenarios. We extensively study interference in typical vehicular scenarios. Based on the findings from this study, we propose a novel approach for medium access. We follow a location-aware cross-layer approach that exploits the Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) feature of modern matrix lighting modules to avoid interference and thus collisions. Making use of heterogeneous communication concepts, in which vehicles share their positions via the Radio Frequency (RF) channel, V-VLC transmissions can be scheduled accordingly.
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- October 21, 2022
Our article "Nanosensor Location Estimation in the Human Circulatory System using Machine Learning" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO).
In this work we investigate the detection and localization capabilities of flowing nanosensors in the blood flow to report abnormalities in the human body. Specifically, we target the detection of quorum sensing molecules and provide a methodology to evaluate its performance.
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- October 17, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a keynote titled "Toward Hybridized Cyber Physical Systems (H-CPS)" at the 13th ACM Wireless of the Students, by the Students, and for the Students Workshop, which was held in Sydney, Australia.
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- October 11, 2022
Jorge Torres Gomez presented our paper titled "Nanosensor Location in the Human Circulatory System based on Electric Circuit Representation of Vessels".
Traveling through the human vessels, nanosensors are envisioned to locally detect and actuate on targets very efficiently. This paper explores the accurate modeling of the concentration level of the flowing nanosensors in vessels. We use a Markov chain formulation to predict the stationary distribution of them in the variety of vessel segments. The resulting study reveals the dynamics of the movement of nanosensors in the blood flow yielding further details on their concentration level along vessels.
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- October 10, 2022
Our article "Digital Communication Techniques in Macroscopic Air-Based Molecular Communication" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications.
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- September 29, 2022
We welcome Joana Angjo who joined our group in September 2022.
- September 21, 2022
Our proposal Resilience through Cross-Technology Communication (ResCTC) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will explore resilience in wireless communication networks using cross-technology communication.
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- September 21, 2022
We are happy to announce multiple paper presentations at European Wireless 2022:
Engy A. Maher presented our paper titled "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface and UAV-Assisted THz Mobile Communications",
Anatolij Zubow presented our paper titled "GrGym: A Playground for Research on RL/AI Enhanced Wireless Networks", and
Jorge Torres Gomez presented our paper titled "Digital Simulator of the Human Arteries"
at European Wireless 2022 in Dresden, Germany.
- September 18, 2022
DFG just notified the PIs of the projects funded in the scope of the SPP 2378 Resilient Worlds (see The priority program is coordinated by Falko Dressler. Congratulations to everybody.
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- August 27, 2022
Our proposal BodyTalks: Connecting in-body nano communication with body area networks (NaBoCom II) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will investigate the integration of in-body nano networks with body are networks.
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- August 26, 2022
Our article "Testbed-based Receiver Optimization for SISO Molecular Communication Channels" received the Student Best Paper Award in the 5th IEEE International Balkan Conference Communications and Networking (BalkanCom 2022) at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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- August 16, 2022
Our article "Mobile Human Ad Hoc Networks: A Communication Engineering Viewpoint on Interhuman Airborne Pathogen Transmission" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Nano Communication Networks.
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- July 22, 2022
Our article "Asynchronous Background Processing for Accelerated Simulation of Wireless Communication on Multi-Core Systems" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
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- July 19, 2022
Our article "Vehicloak: A Blockchain-Enabled Privacy-Preserving Payment Scheme for Location-based Vehicular Services" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
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- July 11, 2022
Our article "Adaptive Blind MPSK Constellation Recovery and Equalization for Cognitive Radio Applications" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
This paper investigates a new method to recover constellation points from emissions at cognitive radio nodes fastly. We devise a blind method with reduced convergence time using a low complex adaptive filter. The results clearly show that the proposed scheme significantly improves phase symbol estimation and ISI reduction accuracy.
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- July 04, 2022
TKN research group from TU Berlin celebrated this weekend (from 1 to 4 of July) the four-days research retreat "CCS on Tour 2022". Group members and close friends presented their research topics and experiences leading to fruitful discussions. The meeting, celebrated each year, welcomes the discussion of challenging technical issues, best practices, and daily work experiences.
We enjoyed very much our kayaking tour during our research retreat "CCS on Tour".
Many thanks to R3 Solutions for the support!
- July 01, 2022
We welcome Fabian Missbrenner who joined our group in July 2022.
He will work on the DyMoNet project.
(link to more information)
- June 09, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "Going Beyond RF: Nano Communication in 6G+ Networks" at the IEEE European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2022) & 6G Summit, which was held in Grenoble, France.
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- May 23, 2022
Our article "Wi-Fi Meets ML: A Survey on Improving IEEE 802.11 Performance with Machine Learning" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
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- May 05, 2022
Our article "Data-driven Flight Control of Internet-of-Drones for Sensor Data Aggregation using Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine.
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- May 05, 2022
Gurjashan Pannu presented our paper titled "Vehicular Virtual Edge Computing using Heterogeneous V2V and V2C Communication" at 41st IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2022), which received the Best Poster Award.
- May 04, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a Distinguished Seminar talk "From Co-Existence to Resilience through Cross-Technology Communication" in the seminar series organized by IMDEA Networks.
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- April 30, 2022
Falko Dressler has (again) been elected as part of the Tactile Internet Technical Committee. He will serve as Chair of this TC to the COMSOC community.
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- April 17, 2022
Our article "V-Edge: Virtual Edge Computing as an Enabler for Novel Microservices and Cooperative Computing" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Network.
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- April 06, 2022
We congratulate Claas Tebruegge who successfully defended his PhD on April 04, 2022.
His dissertation is titled "Towards Feasible Vehicular Visible Light Communication".
He was awarded a Dr. rer. nat. degree from Paderborn University!
(link to more information)
- April 06, 2022
Jorge Torres and Carmen Pelaez gave a webinar on Focusing on Soft Skills Development - Liberal Arts approaches for teaching in the field of ICT as part of the IEEE Education Week.
The event took place online on April 6, 2022.
They were addressing topics related to the two schools distinction, the skills gap, a methodology to teach technical topics supported by liberal arts, and examples of how to implement such ideas in practice.
(link to more information)
- March 30, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "From Vehicular Networking to 5G and Mobile Edge Computing to 6G and Virtual Edge Computing" at the 9th International Conference On Electrical And Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2022), which was held in Alanya, Turkey.
(link to more information)
- March 24, 2022
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "From Co-Existence to Resilience through Cross-Technology Communication" at the International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2022), which was held online.
(link to more information)
- March 22, 2022
Our article "BLOWN: A Blockchain Protocol for Single-Hop Wireless Networks under Adversarial SINR" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
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- March 20, 2022
Our article "Siting and Sizing Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles with Coordinated Recharging" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
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- March 04, 2022
Our article "Hybrid-Fidelity: Utilizing IEEE 802.11 MIMO forPractical Aggregation of LiFi and WiFi" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
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- February 26, 2022
We congratulate Jorge Torres Gomez for being promoted to IEEE Senior Member.
- February 21, 2022
Our article "Multi-Technology Cooperative Driving: An Analysis Based on PLEXE" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
(link to more information)
- February 15, 2022
We welcome Nazila Hashemi who joined our group in February 2022.
She will work on wireless communication.
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- February 01, 2022
We welcome Bariq Khan who joined our group as an External PhD Candidate in February 2022.
Bariq is with Huawai Europe in Munich, Germany.
(link to more information)
- January 25, 2022
We congratulate Min Hee Jo for receiving this year's Distinguished Student award at TKN!
With the the award, we recognize her valued work and contributions as Student Research Assistant.
- January 04, 2022
We are happy to be part of the LINCNET project.
LINCNET stands for LINCNET - LiFi-enabled 5G for INdustrial and MediCal NETworks.
In the scope of this project, we will study the integration of LiFi and 5G-based industrial and medical networks.
(link to more information)
- January 02, 2022
Our article "Reducing Waiting Times at Charging Stations with Adaptive Electric Vehicle Route Planning" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
(link to more information)
- December 13, 2021
We are happy to be part of the 6G Platform Germany.
In this project, we will support the coordination of research and development on 6G in Germany.
The 6G Platform Germany will establish a network for ongoing scientific and industrial 6G research and also connect to major international 6G activities.
(link to more information)
- December 11, 2021
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "Cyber Physical Networks: On Networked Control and Human Interaction" at the 10th International Conference on Networks, Communication and Computing (ICNCC 2021), which was held online.
(link to more information)
- December 01, 2021
We welcome Fatih Güleç who joined our group in December 2021.
He will work on molecular communication.
(link to more information)
- November 30, 2021
Our article "Performance Analysis of UAV Assisted Mobile Communications in THz Channel" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access journal.
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- November 18, 2021
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "From Vehicular Networking to 5G and Mobile Edge Computing to 6G and Virtual Edge Computing" at the IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2021), which was held as in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
(link to more information)
- November 17, 2021
Jorge Torres Gómez presented our paper titled A Machine Learning Approach for Abnormality Detection in Blood Vessels via Mobile Nanosensors, which received the Best Paper Award at 2nd ACM International Workshop on Nanoscale Computing, Communication, and Applications (NanoCoCoA 2021).
(link to more information)
- November 14, 2021
We are happy to be part of the 6G Research and Innovation Cluster (6G-RIC).
In this project, we will explore channel prediction techniques, the use of intelligent reflective surfaces, advanced edge computing, and the integration of reinforcement learning for optimization.
(link to more information)
- November 12, 2021
Our proposal ML-driven Radio Resource Management in Wireless Local Area Networks (ML4WIFI) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will explore reinforcement learning-based approaches to optimize resource allocationin WiFi networks.
(link to more information)
- October 11, 2021
Our article "Precise: Predictive Content Dissemination Scheme Exploiting Realistic Mobility Patterns" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Networks journal.
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- October 07, 2021
Our article "Li-Wi: An Upper Layer Hybrid VLC-WiFi Network Handover Solution" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks journal.
(link to more information)
- October 06, 2021
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "Towards Cyber Physical Social Systems: On Networked Control and Human Interaction" at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2021), which was held as a virtual conference.
(link to more information)
- October 05, 2021
Last weekend, we finally met again in person during a four-day research retreat at Schloss Noer.
We had lots of research talks, discussions, and social events.
- September 20, 2021
Julian Heinovski presented our paper titled "CoOP: V2V-based Cooperative Overtaking for Platoons on Freeways" and
Lucas Koch presented our paper titled "Accurate physics-based modeling of electric vehicle energy consumption in the SUMO traffic microsimulator" at the 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2021).
- September 13, 2021
Jorge Torres Gómez presented our paper titled "Age of Information in Molecular Communication Channels" and the paper titled "Molecular Communication Channel Modelling in FPGA Technology" at International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2021), Workshop on Nanonetworks and Nanocomputation (WoNaN 2021).
- September 07, 2021
Jorge Torres Gómez presented our paper titled "Markov Model for the Flow of Nanobots in the Human Circulatory System",
Anke Kuestner presented our paper titled "Age of Information in In-Body Nano Communication Networks", and
Lukas Stratmann presented our paper titled "Impact of Mobility on Air-Based Macroscopic Molecular Communication – A Simulation Study"
at the 8th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom 2021), which was held as a virtual conference this year.
- August 26, 2021
Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo successfully defended her PhD on August 26, 2021.
Her dissertation is titled "Wireless Handover Solutions in Vehicular Visible Light Communications".
She was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree from TU Berlin.
(link to more information)
- August 10, 2021
Our article "Wideband OFDM-based Communications in Bus Topology as a Key Enabler for Industry 4.0 Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access journal.
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- August 09, 2021
Our article "Undergraduate Curriculum to Teach and Provide Research Skills on Hardware Design for SDR Applications in FPGA Technology" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access journal.
(link to more information)
- August 07, 2021
Our article "LSTM-characterized Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Flight Control and Resource Allocation in UAV-assisted Sensor Network" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Internet of Things journal.
(link to more information)
- July 16, 2021
Our proposal Dynamic Mobile Networks (DyMoNet) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will explore small cell base stations on cars and resource management in such dynamic environments.
(link to more information)
- July 08, 2021
We congratulate Dr. Zubow for being elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
(link to more information)
- July 06, 2021
Our article "Dwell Time Estimation at Intersections for Improved Vehicular Micro Cloud Operations" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks.
(link to more information)
- June 16, 2021
Muhammad Sohaib Amjad presented our paper titled "Using Visible Light for Joint Communications and Vibration Sensing in Industrial IoT Applications" at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), which was held as a virtual conference this year.
(link to more information)
- June 11, 2021
Falko Dressler has (again) been elected as part of the new ACM SIGMOBILE Executive Commitee. He will serve for four years as Vice Chair to the SIGMOBILE community.
(link to more information)
- June 11, 2021
Piotr Gawłowicz successfully defended his PhD on June 11, 2021.
His dissertation is titled "Towards Collaboration in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree (with distinction) from TU Berlin.
(link to more information)
- June 10, 2021
Adam Wolisz just gave a keynote on "Coexistence, Collaboration and Transparency in Radio Communication Systems" at the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2021), which was held as a virtual conference.
(link to more information)
- June 10, 2021
Anatolij Zubow presented our paper titled "Hy-Fi: Aggregation of LiFi and WiFi using MIMO in IEEE 802.11" at the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2021), which was held as a hybrid conference this year.
- June 01, 2021
We welcome Mengfan Wu who joined our group as an External PhD Candidate in June 2021.
Mengfan is with Huawai Europe in Munich, Germany.
(link to more information)
- May 21, 2021
Our article "Age of Information in Molecular Communication Channels" has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Digital Signal Processing.
(link to more information)
- May 13, 2021
Johannes Blobel presented our paper titled "Low-Power Downlink for the Internet of Things using IEEE 802.11-compliant Wake-Up Receivers" at the 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2021), which was held as a hybrid conference this year.
- May 07, 2021
Our article "Distributed Broadcasting in Dynamic Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
(link to more information)
- May 05, 2021
Muhammad Sohaib Amjad successfully defended his PhD on May 5, 2021.
His dissertation is titled "Towards Low Latency and Bandwidth Efficient Communication in Wireless Systems".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree (with distinction) from TU Berlin.
(link to more information)
- April 21, 2021
Our article "FDLA: A Novel Frequency Diversity and Link Aggregation Solution for Handover in an Indoor Vehicular VLC Network" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
(link to more information)
- April 19, 2021
Our article "Towards an IEEE 802.11 Compliant System for Outdoor Vehicular Visible Light Communications" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
(link to more information)
- April 08, 2021
The German Research Foundation (DFG) grants a new priority research program (SPP) on Resilience in Connected Worlds – Mastering Failures, Overload, Attacks, and the Unexpected.
The program which is coordinated by Falko Dressler will involve interdisciplinary projects from all over Germany.
(link to more information)
- April 04, 2021
Our article "Distributed Byzantine-Resilient Multiple-Message Dissemination in Wireless Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
(link to more information)
- April 01, 2021
We welcome Kai Lennert Bober who joined our group as an External PhD Candidate in April 2021.
Lennert is with Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI), Berlin, Germany.
(link to more information)
- March 31, 2021
Muhammad Sohaib Amjad presented our paper titled "Software-based In-Band Full Duplex Relays for IEEE 802.11a/g/p: An Experimental Study"
Sebastian Bräuer presented our paper titled "Towards Software-Centric Listen-Before-Talk on Software-Defined Radios"
at the 16th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2021), which was held as a hybrid conference this year.
- March 23, 2021
Johannes Blobel successfully defended his PhD on March 23, 2021.
His dissertation is titled "Energy Efficient Communication using Wake-Up Receivers".
He was awarded a Dr.-Ing. degree (with distinction) from TU Berlin.
(link to more information)
- March 20, 2021
Our article "Infectious Disease Transmission via Aerosol Propagation from a Molecular Communication Perspective: Shannon Meets Coronavirus" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Magazine.
(link to more information)
- March 15, 2021
Our article "Duality between Coronavirus Transmission and Air-based Macroscopic Molecular Communication" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC), Infectious Diseases Special Issue.
(link to more information)
- March 10, 2021
Sigrid Dimce presented our paper titled "mmWave on the Road: Investigating the Weather Impact on 60 GHz V2X Communication Channels"
Anatolij Zubow presented our paper titled "On Phase Offsets of 802.11ac Commodity WiFi"
at the 16th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2021), which was held as a virtual conference this year.
- February 24, 2021
Anatolij Zubow presented our paper titled "GrGym: When GNU Radio goes to (AI) Gym" at the 22nd ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2021), which was held as a virtual conference.
(link to more information)
- January 21, 2021
Our article "Using Vector Fields for Efficient Simulation of Macroscopic Molecular Communication" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC), Special Section - Advances in Molecular Communication.
(link to more information)
- January 14, 2021
Our article "Teaching differently: The digital signal processing of multimedia content through the use of liberal arts" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
(link to more information)
- January 06, 2021
Johannes Blobel is now appointed member of the IEEE Germany Section Executive Committee.
He will serve as the section's Head of History Activities.
His duties include coordinating all history related activities of the section.
He also is involved in the nomination of IEEE Milestones in Germany.
(link to more information)
- January 05, 2021
Jorge Torres Gómez is now appointed member of the IEEE Germany Section Executive Committee.
He will serve as the section's Head of Educational Activities.
His duties include planning and executing training programs to address the technical and professional development of the membership.
He will also be in charge of maintaining information about Educational Activities through the IEEE Professional Development Institute.
(link to more information)
- December 26, 2020
Our article "Continuous Maneuver Control and Data Capture Scheduling of Autonomous Drone in Wireless Sensor Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
(link to more information)
- December 25, 2020
2020 turned out to be a real challenge for us.
Nevertheless, we published many papers, received additional funding, and were able to welcome new team members.
Now, we wish all of our friends and followers Merry Christmas, a few days of quietness to relax, and a Happy New Year!
- December 18, 2020
Muhammad Sohaib Amjad presented our paper titled "Inband Full-Duplex Relaying for RADCOM-based Cooperative Driving"
Max Schettler presented our paper titled "How to Train your ITS? Integrating Machine Learning with Vehicular Network Simulation"
at the 12th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2020), which was held as a virtual conference this year.
- December 17, 2020
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "From Safety to Scale and Back: Converging Technologies in Vehicular Networks as a Game Changer" at the 12th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2020), which was held as a virtual conference.
(link to more information)
- December 16, 2020
Our article Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on Stochastic Programming in Dynamic Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
(link to more information)
- December 11, 2020
We congratulate Anke Küstner for receiving this year's Distinguished Student award at TKN!
With the the award, we recognize her valued work and contributions as Student Research Assistant.
- December 11, 2020
Yesterday, we celebrated Christmas during this year's TKN Christmas Party.
Even though it was just a virtual event, we had a lot of fun.
The party involved a lot of Christmas decoration, funny games, and nice chats.
- November 23, 2020
Our article "Implementing Abstract MAC Layer in Dynamic Networks" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
(link to more information)
- November 10, 2020
Our article TVA in the wild: Applying the theory of visual attention to game-like and less controlled experiments has been accepted for publication in Open Psychology.
(link to more information)
- November 06, 2020
Our article EdgeDASH: Exploiting Network-Assisted Adaptive Video Streaming for Edge Caching has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
(link to more information)
- October 25, 2020
Our article Vehicular Visible Light Communications: A Survey has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
(link to more information)
- October 12, 2020
We welcome Tayeba Abidi who joined our group in October 2020.
She will work on intrusion detection systems.
(link to more information)
- October 09, 2020
Our article Low-power and Low-delay WLAN using Wake-up Receivers has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
(link to more information)
- September 25, 2020
Lukas Stratmann co-presented our paper titled "Efficient Simulation of Macroscopic Molecular Communication: The Pogona Simulator"
Anke Küstner presented our paper titled "A Simulation Framework for Connecting In-Body Nano Communication with Out-of-Body Devices"
at 7th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NANOCOM 2020), which was held as a virtual conference this year.
- September 11, 2020
We welcome Jorge Torres Gomez who joined our group in September 2020.
He will work on macroscopic molecular communication.
(link to more information)
- September 03, 2020
Piotr Gawlowicz presented our paper titled Punched Cards over the Air: Cross-Technology Communication Between LTE-U/LAA and WiFi, which received the Best Paper Award at 21th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2020).
(link to more information)
- September 02, 2020
Falko Dressler gave a keynote on "Cooperative Automated Driving: From CPS to Networking to Human Interaction" at the 21st IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2020), which was held as a virtual conference.
(link to more information)
- September 02, 2020
Muhammad Sohaib Amjad presented our paper titled "A Flexible Real-Time Software-based Multi-Band Channel Sounder" at 31st IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2020).
(link to more information)
- September 01, 2020
We welcome Ketki Pitke who joined our group in September 2020.
She will work on nano-communication.
(link to more information)
- August 06, 2020
Yesterday, our group did a social activity in a High Rope Course in Potsdam.
The objective was to finish the tracks, which are running between several trees, while crossing many obstacles of different complexity within each track.
We had a lot of fun and were quite exhausted afterwards (that's why the picture is from before).
- July 13, 2020
Piotr Gawlowicz presented our papers titled Cross-Technology Communication between LTE-U/LAA and WiFi, which received the Best Demo Award, and WiFi over VLC using COTS Devices
Florian Klingler presented our paper titled An Open Source Approach to Field Testing of WLAN up to IEEE 802.11ad at 60 GHz Using Commodity Hardware
at 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2020).
Due to the Corona virus situation, the presentations were held online.
- July 09, 2020
Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo presented our papers titled A Flexible Transport Layer Protocol Architecture for Handover in a Vehicular VLC Network and Analyzing interface bonding schemes for VLC with mobility and shadowing at 12th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2020).
Due to the Corona virus situation, the presentations were held online.
- July 07, 2020
Our paper "On the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks" is now number 3 of the most highly cited papers of ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks.
(link to more information)
- July 02, 2020
We just started a new project UniLocP in cooperation with our partners from industry (contagt GmbH, SonoBeacon GmbH, inclusion AG, GEOkomm e.V.).
In this project we will create a unified architecture to provide location information to apps in indoor scenarios.
(link to more information)
- June 22, 2020
Our article Towards Smart V2X-Connected Powertrains has been accepted for publication in IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine.
(link to more information)
- June 19, 2020
Our proposal Virtual Edge Computing (V-Edge) has been accepted for funding by the German research foundation DFG. In this project, we will explore MEC using virtual edge servers composed of, e.g., clusters of cars.
(link to more information)
- June 17, 2020
We just started MedComNet 2020, the 18th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference.
MedComNet 2020 continues the tradition of the MedHocNet conference series that started in Sardinia in 2006 and was held annually in beautiful locations on the shores of the Mediterranean. This year for the first time the conference will take place on the shores of a lake, in the birth place of Mario Gerla, who was the initiator of this conference series.
This year, the conference takes place on-line due to the Corona situation.
Our conference features outstanding keynotes by Don Towsley, Izhak Rubin, Jim Kurose, and Anthony Ephremides.
(link to more information)
- June 10, 2020
Muhammad Sohaib Amjad presented our paper titled Integrated Communications and Non-Invasive Vibrations Sensing using Strobing Light
Piotr Gawłowicz presented our paper titled Bringing MIMO to VLC using COTS WiFi
at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020), Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications. Due to corona virus situation, the presentations were held online.
- May 13, 2020
We welcome Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo who joined our group in May 2020.
She will work on Indoor Visible Light Communication (VLC).
(link to more information)
- May 06, 2020
Our article A Smartphone Perspective on Computation Offloading – A Survey has been accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Communications.
(link to more information)
- May 04, 2020
We welcome Sigrid Dimce who joined our group in May 2020. She will work on mmWave communication at 60GHz and 77GHz.
(link to more information)
- April 02, 2020
Starting April 1st, the old CCS team from Paderborn and the old TKN team from Berlin have officially been merged into the new Telecommunication Networks (TKN) team at TU Berlin led by Falko Dressler.
Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), all of us are staying at home and, thus, we had our first joined team meeting virtually today #stayathome #flattenthecurve
- March 11, 2020
The CCS team is relocating to Berlin, Germany.
Prof. Dressler accepted an offer from TU Berlin as full professor and Chair for Telecommunication Networks (TKN).
Our new home is the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at TU Berlin.